National Disaster Resilience Competition
Phase 1 Application

I led the State of Louisiana’s cross-agency project team tasked to develop an application in response to HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition, a $1B opportunity emphasizing resilience planning and program development. I was also the application’s chief author.

This Phase 1 Application period lasted from September 2014 through March 2015 and focused on framing unmet recovery needs, vulnerabilities and community development objectives.

National Disaster Resilience Competition
Phase 2 Application

This Phase 2 Application period lasted from June 2015 through October 2015 and focused on developing resilience-building program and project initiatives to reduce long-term disaster risk.

Ultimately, the State of Louisiana finished 5th of 67 applicants nationwide, leading to a $92.6M award.

Great Floods of 2016
Mapped Damage Assessment

Following the Great Floods of 2016, I led Louisiana’s effort to track and map damages, specifically to affected residential units. This damage assessment was used by officials to illustrate the wide swath of damages incurred statewide to their federal counterparts, and specifically to members of Congress.

Great Floods of 2016
Action Plan for Use of CDBG-DR Funds

I co-authored Louisiana’s action plan for use of $1.8B in CDBG-DR funds following the Great Floods of 2016. Specifically, I led the development of the state’s unmet needs methodology and authored the related sections within this document. Subsequently, I served on a core team developing state and parish recovery policies and programs.

Hurricane Isaac
Action Plan for Use of CDBG-DR Funds

I co-authored Louisiana’s action plan for use of $64M in CDBG-DR funds following Hurricane Isaac in 2012. Specifically, I led the development of the state’s unmet needs methodology and authored the related sections within this document. Subsequently, I designed several state and parish recovery policies and programs and authored action plan amendments detailing new policies and objectives.

Restore Louisiana Program

I designed the program’s logo. ︎